_____________   _____________
    __\____   ____/___\________   /__
    )__    \_//     |__    ___//    |__
  |   l_____|       __/_____|       __/  :
-(|)------- |_______| ----- |_______| --(|)-
  |                                      |
  |   [I]ndex                            |
  |   [A]bout this site                  |
  |   [R]ead more                        |
  |   [O]ldschool Ascii                  |
  |   [N]ewschool Ascii                  |
  |   A[m]iga Ascii                      |
  |   ANS[i] art                         |
  |   [N]FO art                          |
  |      ________   ____________         |
  |     _\_____//___\   ___    /_        |
  |     |_        |__    \(      |__     |
  |   / //__      __/_____|      __/     |
-(|)------- |______| ----- |______| ----(|)-
  |                                      |

     This is a little collection of
     resources to explore if you like
     to learn some more about the old
     text mode art scene. it originated
     before there was a www and when
     the connected life consisted of
     dialup modems.

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  :                                      .
                 (c) 2024


           _____________   _____________   ________   ____________
         __\____   ____/___\________   /___\_____//___\   ___    /_
         )__    \_//     |__    ___//    |__        |__    \(      |__
  |        l_____|       __/_____|       __/__      __/_____|      __/       |
-(|)------------ |_______| ----- |_______| - |______| ----- |______| -------(|)-
  |                                                                          |
  |    [i]ndex                 [o]ldschool Ascii       ANS[i] art            |
  |    [a]bout this site       [n]ewschool Ascii       [N]FO art             |
  |    [r]ead more             a[m]iga Ascii                                 |
  |                                                                          |
  |                                                                          :
      the amiga ascii scene is a completely different art scene than the pc
      art scene i was involved in way back. the main difference is that the
      amiga had a vary different font compared to the pc. the "topaz" font
      had a lot higher characters which made / and \ connect to each other
      in a very different way compared to what we were used to on the pc.

      the two different scenes still inspired each other and a few artists
      did both pc and amiga.

      the easiest way to look at amiga ascii today is to install the retrotxt
      browser extension and head over to artscene.textfiles.com/ascii/.

      or head over to aSCIIaRENA.

      here are a few favorite logos from browsing the old archives.


             .                                               .
             :                                               :
             ª                                               ª
             |                                               |
             |___             ___             ___            |___
_ ___________|   \___________|   \___________|   \___________|   \__________ _
      ___\   l____/______\_____   /______\   |    /______\_______ /___
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    \_____________        /__|            /_______        /_______        /
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                    |                               |
                    |         sAVE oUR sOULS        |
                    |___             ___            |___
     _    _ ________|   \___________|   \___________|   \_______ _    _
             ___\_____   /______\   |    /______\______  /___
    _  _ ____\      |/       \__    |        \__    _  ______\_____ _  _
          \    Sn   l           \_  l           \_  |           \_
           \_____________        /_______        /__|            /
                    l___________/   l___________/   l___________/

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_ _ ______|  \_     ____|  \_     ____|  \_     _/  |         ____|  \___ _  _
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          |                                                       |
          ª                                                       ª
          :                                                       :
          ╖                                                       ╖
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        _________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
      ___\_    _/_\_    _/_\_    _/_\_    _/_\_    _/_\_    _/_\_     /
     /    /____    /   /    /___     /___     /___     /___     /____/
    /    __/ /  __/    \___    \\_   \_ /    __/__\___    \\_   \_
   /    /   /   \         /    / /    //   _/        /    / /    /
  /____/   /____/_____________/ /____/ \_________________/ /____/
           ______    ______         _________         _______
           /    /____/    /__________\_     /___   ____\_    \
          /    /    /    /_\_         /    /   /   /    /    /
         /    /    /        /      __/  __/   /   /    /    /
        /   _/   _/        /       \    \    /___/   _/    /
        \_____________    /   _____/____   _/    _________/sYz
                     \________/       /_________/



    - "Amiga Ascii Art" is a thesis written about ascii art
      on Glyph Drawing Club.
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  :                                                                          .
                                    (c) 2024
