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-(|)------- |_______| ----- |_______| --(|)-
  |                                      |
  |   [I]ndex                            |
  |   [A]bout this site                  |
  |   [R]ead more                        |
  |   [O]ldschool Ascii                  |
  |   [N]ewschool Ascii                  |
  |   A[m]iga Ascii                      |
  |   ANS[i] art                         |
  |   [N]FO art                          |
  |      ________   ____________         |
  |     _\_____//___\   ___    /_        |
  |     |_        |__    \(      |__     |
  |   / //__      __/_____|      __/     |
-(|)------- |______| ----- |______| ----(|)-
  |                                      |

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        $$$$$ T$$$ d$$$$ X$$f $$$$$
        """""  "&$, """ ,$$$''"""""

  :                                      :
  |                                      |
  :                                      .
                 (c) 2024


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-(|)------------ |_______| ----- |_______| - |______| ----- |______| -------(|)-
  |                                                                          |
  |    [i]ndex                 [o]ldschool Ascii       ANS[i] art            |
  |    [a]bout this site       [n]ewschool Ascii       [N]FO art             |
  |    [r]ead more             a[m]iga Ascii                                 |
  |                                                                          |
  |                                                                          :
    so called "new school ascii art" is a form that uses all of the text
    based characters to produce logotypes and art.

    like this one;

   .d$$$$$$$x.  '`+
  :$$$$$$$$$$$$x. ,1                     _,d.
  $~    `"T$$$$$$$$"    _,u       _,u   ,$$$       _,u.   ,u.  ,u _,u.     d
  !      .  dP^""_    ,AP$$$b.  ,A$$$$b,a$$$__aa.,AT$$$b.A$$B :$$b$$$$,  ,d$;
   ~:...-` ;$L ,$$b,.d$$P"$$$$bd$$$"$$$k$$$$$$$d$$$P"$$$"$$$$d$$$$Y$$$k:d$$$1
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     ,$$$b'$$$$$b   1$$$  1$$$ 1$$$    ,1$$$, ,1$$1 ;$$$ l$$$      $$$l  $$$I
    d$$$$l '$$$$$b ,1$$# ,1$$$,T$$$$u.,d$$$$bad$$$$ J$$$,d$$$L ,.  $$$l  $$$I
   :$$$$P    ?$$$$; "C$$P""$$$" "C$$$P'"C$$$P" "C$$$$P" ^"C$$$P"  d$$$bad$$$;
 _ C$$$; ____ $$$$ __"Y' _ "Y' __ "P' __ "Y" ___ "Y`^_____ "Y" ___ "$$`^ $$$ _
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 "  "&$, """ ,$$$'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 9$" ""
     `^4a_,d$$P^                                                      ./"
  .                                                                          :
  :                                                                          |
  |                                                                          |
  |                                                                          |
  :                                                                          .
                                    (c) 2024
